Expatriates Will Get a 3.5% Incentive: bKash

Expatriates Will Get a 3.5% Incentive: bKash

bKash has announced a one percent additional incentive for sending money from abroad with its mobile financial services. Users will get a total of 3.5 percent in addition to the 2.5 percent incentive announced by the government for sending remittances with bKash. In a press release, bKash said expatriates would have the opportunity until April 30.

According to bKash, expatriates will be considered eligible for this incentive if they send a minimum of BDT 15,000 or more. Each subscriber will get the opportunity to avail a maximum of eight times twice per month. During the campaign period, a subscriber will get an incentive of a minimum of BDT 800 to BDT 2,400 per month.
In a statement, bKash said expatriates would also receive additional incentives when sending money via bKash to relatives in the country using other MTOs and exchange institutions that the company lists. In addition, from the bKash website, expatriates will learn how to transfer money abroad and what countries and institutions send money.

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