Munzereen Shahid was at the beautiful green campus of University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh (ULAB) on the 9th of March 2023 attending an event hosted by ULAB Digital Marketing Club (UDMC). The event commemorated Women’s Day as well as Munzereen ma’am’s recent achievement of reaching One Million Subscribers on YouTube.
Content Matters!, the title given to the new series launched by ULAB Digital Marketing Club with Munzareen Shahid, Chief Instructor and English Trainer of 10 Minutes School, Author of books “সবার জন্য Vocabulary” and “ঘরে বসে Spoken English”, as the guest speaker. In the main discussion of the session, Munzareen ma’am emphasised the ability to create positive experiences through content, the importance of content strategy, how it can make an impact on cost-effective marketing, most importantly, discussed the value of content as well as shared some tips for platforms of content.
During the discussion, Munzareen ma’am shared some life experiences and learnings with the audience regarding her journey in content creation and proved quite informative for the people who were present there. This was then followed by a Q&A session as well as a fun quiz segment to engage with the audience. Furthermore, the top 5 participants of the session were selected and gifted copies of the latest book of the prestigious guest of the event Munzareen Shahid.
The event was briefly covered with the assistance of ULAB TV, and Business Inspection BD was the Online Media Partner for this event, providing media coverage.
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