Walton Introduced Bangla Voice-controlled AC

Walton introduced Bangla voice-controlled AC

Director of Walton Hi-Tech Industries, SM Mahbubul Alam, Bangladesh’s first voice-controlled air conditioner with Bangla language operable was unveiled as part of the “Oceanus” series. In a press release, Walton confirms the launch event of this new model was conducted at the corporate head office in Dhaka on Sunday, a day before International Mother Language Day.

“Walton dedicated this invention to the country’s Language Movement martyrs.” – according to SM Mahbubul Alam, Director, Walton Hi-Tech Industries.

Walton’s new Bangla voice control air conditioner is the company’s most recent innovation. This air conditioner is equipped with a large energy-saving inverter and includes UV (Ultra Violet) treatment and frost cleaning, among other innovative features.

Some of the top management personalities such as Amdadul Hoque Sarker and Humayun Kabir, deputy managing directors of Walton, Mohammad Rayhan, chief executive officer of Walton Plaza Trade, Tanvir Rahman, chief business officer of Walton AC, Firoj Alam, chief marketing officer, Tapas Kumar Majumder, head of research and innovation, SM Zahid Hasan, Yusuf Ali and Anisur Rahman Mollick, senior executive directors, and Rakib Uddin, executive director, were present in the event.

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